Unfortunately, it is possible to become a victim of parasites everywhere by eating an uncooked steak in a cafe, diving into an unknown lake, or eating berries that have not been treated with water. The result of the presence of parasites will be a deterioration of health, compromised immunity and an unhealthy appearance. Parasites poison the host with waste products, and unpleasant changes occur gradually in a person’s internal organs. How to deal with parasites in the human body? What medicine and methods exist to fight parasites in human organs? Let us examine in detail the methods of combating parasites.
Signs of the presence of parasites in the body

A variety of parasites live in the human body. Some indicate their presence almost immediately after check-in. Others live without showing any signs. In summer it is very easy to get infected with worms, but getting rid of it is not easy. How to check for parasites? And although the parasites that live in the human body can be different, the symptoms of the parasitic infection are similar. Common symptoms of the presence of helminths in the body include the following:
- unreasonable headaches;
- nausea, occasional vomiting;
- weakness, apathy;
- disorder of digestive processes;
- lack of appetite or constant desire for something to eat;
- bad breath;
- dark circles around the eyes;
- anemia;
- weight gain or loss for no reason;
- muscle and joint pain;
- allergies;
- nervous system disorders;
- dizziness.
Very often a person is treated for some kind of disease by swallowing some medicine, and the cause of his concern are parasites in the body. And after removing the helminths, the health condition improves immediately. The fight against parasites is an important stage in the health of the body.

Most often, the human body is susceptible to attacks by such parasitic individuals:
- round worm;
- worm pinworms;
- lamblia;
- streptococci;
- staphylococci;
- opisthorchis.
The difficulty in identifying parasites is that the symptoms of the presence of helminths are similar to different diseases. More than a hundred parasites, ranging in size from a few millimeters to several meters, settle in the human body, poison, damage organs, receive energy, nutrients and strength.
Ways to diagnose the presence of parasites in the body

There is an opinion that it is not easy to identify parasites. In fact, the usual way - a clinical analysis of feces can not always show the presence of parasitic individuals in the human body. Therefore, to identify parasitic individuals, there are such possibilities:
- microscopic examination of feces for an ovary is a non-traumatic and painless method that can be performed in any laboratory, for reliability it is recommended to perform the diagnosis several times;
- immunological blood test for the presence of parasites in organs according to the level of antigens, ELISA;
- hardware diagnostics - ultrasound helps detect echinococcosis in the human body;
- endoscopy and endobiopsy - taking a piece of tissue to determine the presence of parasitic organisms;
- PCR - diagnosis of blood for the presence of parasitic organisms in the human body.
Difficulties in treating parasitic individuals
The most difficult thing in the fight against parasites is the diagnosis. They are skillfully hidden in the body, and it is not so easy to detect the presence of parasites. The life cycle of some individuals reaches two decades! What colossal damage during this time can be caused by germs, worms or helminths! The occurrence of the presence of parasites of different types is different, and it happens that it is not possible to identify parasites even in clinical studies.
Detecting parasites or fragments of them in the stool is shocking, but you should not panic.
After all, thanks to this you can start fighting against foreign organisms that thus suppress the immune system and damage health. After the parasite is released, you should not hesitate to take it to a laboratory for an infectious disease doctor. Indeed, depending on the type of helminthic organism, rational treatment is prescribed. Antiparasitic therapy and accompanying medications are prescribed to maintain overall health.
Traditional medicine against parasites (therapy of roundworms and tapeworms)
According to the Ministry of Health, one in three adults and one in two children are infected with various parasites. Helminths are the most common parasitic species where humans are host. Tapeworms and roundworms are the most common types of worms. Their second name is nematodes and cestodes. Most often, individuals live and multiply in the intestines. There are many medicines, some are capable of destroying several species of helminths at once. In the fight against parasites in the human body, many methods and courses of treatment have been developed. Medicines are designed to suppress parasites by acting on their major organs and systems.

Medications are indicated for helminthiasis such as:
- ascardiasis;
- teniarinhoses;
- teniasis;
- enterobiasis;
- trichinosis;
- echinococcosis;
- other types of diseases.
"Vermox" is very often used, but it should be borne in mind that this drug is contraindicated in case of contraindications to the use of lactose, ulcers, colitis, Crohn's disease, liver failure and during childbirth. The drug is contraindicated in children under three years of age. The drug can have side effects: disorders of the digestive system, disorders of the nervous system and genitourinary system. In some cases, the manifestation of allergic reactions, hair loss, changes in indicators in clinical blood and urine tests are observed. That is, the drug is quite toxic and can adversely affect the overall state of health. Self-description is not recommended. Only a doctor can prescribe the right medicine and dose, taking into account existing diseases and health conditions.
Traditional medicine against parasites (treatment of trematodes)
Suckers are also a frequent guest and "host" of a person.
This group of parasites is the flatworm. They can live in many organs of the human body: pancreas, lungs, intestines, gallbladder, liver. Against such parasitic organisms, special drugs are used, causing paralysis of the parasite body and death.
In parallel with antiparasitic therapy, complex treatment with symptomatic medication is performed. It is advisable to prescribe allergy medications, liver protection medications, choleretic medications, enzymes, sorbents, painkillers. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed at the doctor's discretion. Since the presence of fumes significantly weakens the immune system, a complex of vitamins and minerals is prescribed. And the final stage of therapy is the normalization of the intestinal microflora.
Traditional medicine against parasites (fight against protozoa, ecoparasites)
Parasitologists have enough information on how to resist the simplest. Amoebae, lamblias, cryptosporids can settle in the human body and parasitize on it.
The main component of drugs affects the genetic code of protozoa and contributes to their destruction. The drug is contraindicated for use in liver failure, epilepsy, during childbirth and breastfeeding.
The parasites localize and multiply in the circulatory system and internal organs, as well as in the skin. One such representative of the parasite is a spider that infects smooth skin and hair glands. The most common locations for parasites are the eyebrows, eyelashes, nose and areas around the mouth. This becomes the cause of an unpleasant change in appearance. It is very difficult to recover from demodicosis. Various methods are used to destroy subcutaneous mites: metronidazole group preparations, medicated gels, essential preparations, cosmetic facial cleansing, laser skin. Lice are also representative of this type of parasite. Lice affect the scalp and pubic area.
Alternative treatment against parasites

Alternative medicine has amassed many recipes to combat the parasitic species that attack humans. With helminthiasis, it is recommended to take the following herbal preparations:
- wormwood - the powdered plant is taken on an empty stomach and before going to bed, to stir up bitterness, you can stir the herb powder with honey;
- propolis;
- cinnamon - taken twice a day, can be mixed with food;
- mushroom tincture - finely chopped candles poured with vodka and insist for fourteen days, they drink five grams of solution per day;
- onions and garlic - due to the high content of phytoncides and essential oils, vegetables effectively fight parasites;
- coriander;
- pumpkin seeds - there are a large number of recipes, this medicine is one of the most effective;
- ginger;
- tansy - dried flowers are poured boiling water and kept for an hour and a half, they drink the medicine three times a day for three days;
- Leh lisi.
The body cleansing method for expelling worms with the help of pine nuts is quite popular. As noted by patients who expelled the parasites with the help of nuts, five kilograms of the product will be needed. One hundred grams of nuts should be chewed daily. For a high result during the cleaning period, it is necessary to abandon meat, fatty, spicy products. The course of treatment lasts about two months. With any method of cleansing the intestines from parasites, we must not forget the need to conduct a course of cleansing enemas and taking vitamin complexes. You should also refuse products that serve as excellent material for reproducing parasites.
Dietary therapy against parasites
All dishes consumed by humans have a different effect on parasites.
Some products inhibit the vital activity of worms, some serve as a food source and breeding ground. It is necessary to create such conditions in which the parasites will be suppressed and will be deficient in nutrients. A properly selected diet will not only cleanse the intestines, but also boost immunity, enrich the body with beneficial substances and ingredients.
There are foods that are known to be intolerant to helminths:
- onion garlic;
- White cabbage;
- blackberries, pineapples, pomegranates;
- pumpkin seeds;
- fruit;
- fermented milk products;
- greens
It is necessary to abandon products that serve as a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of helminths:
- a fish;
- meat products;
- sweets and flour products;
- fried, fatty foods;
- strong coffee and tea.

The basic rules for diet therapy are as follows:
- drink as much fluid as possible, it is recommended to drink seven to eight glasses of water a day;
- try to plant food to occupy about two-thirds of the entire diet;
- eat raw vegetables;
- eat often, in part, in small portions;
- give up sweets;
- process the vegetables with boiling water before serving.
Nutritionists, along with infectious disease specialists, parasitologists, and therapists, argue that to effectively cleanse the intestines, you should try to rebuild your diet and reorganize into such a diet:
- drink a glass of water on an empty stomach;
- eat breakfast with raw vegetables;
- vegetable snacks, washed down with sour milk or kefir;
- for an afternoon snack, it is recommended to eat a small amount of pineapple;
- for dinner, eat boiled potatoes and vegetable salad;
- any snack should be accompanied by the use of sour milk or kefir.
Such a diet helps in destroying worms and improving the digestive system and the whole body as a whole.
Prevention of worm infection

In order not to become infected with parasitic individuals, you need to adhere to simple rules. In addition to treatment with medication in case of illness, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:
- observe nail hygiene - cut them soon and monitor the cleanliness of nail plates;
- do not contact patients;
- wear underwear in the shape of swimming trunks;
- wash and change freedom every day;
- wash your hands with detergent after using the toilet and before eating;
- after playing with pets, do not forget to wash your hands.
To avoid infection with parasites such as lice, you should use only your comb, systematically wash your hair, use only your towel and bedding. All clothes should be ironed after washing. Do not ignore the treatment of toys with antiseptic and antiparasitic drugs. Cleaning the organs of parasitic individuals such as mold, germs, worms, helminths is a complex and enduring process. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor and together draw up a therapy plan. Self-medication can cause poor health and the development of serious pathologies.